I cannot emphasize enough the role that leaders, particularly group leaders have played in the downfall of AOL Simming. These leaders, poor leaders by every standard have been able to drum up loyal followings by telling people what they wanted to hear, and by offering positions to persons who would not qualify for them in other groups. These positions of power and authority include "commanding admiral" "commanding officer" and the all-powerful "moderator" position. Essentially these megalomaniacs granted their loyal followers power over the minions in exchange for their loyalty. It should be noted that these megalomaniacs never give or gave up ultimate control and power, using it to cast out disloyal followers with swiftness and as examples.
The sole motivation of these "leaders" appeared to be staying in power and being able to manipulate and control the followership/membership. make no mistake about it, while bylaws may say that they are "for the people", their focus in everyday management of these groups speaks for itself.
There is little effort and concern about:
1.) Providing a safe environment for members to Sim in.
2.) Providing a fun experience for members to Sim in.
3.) Helping Simmers improve in the technical aspects of Simming, writing, plotlines etc.
4.) Rewarding fairly those that contribute the most and most meaningfully.
5.) Solving problems.
6.) Helping others.
7.) Getting along with others.
The converse of all of these things is, however, very true, in that the opposite of the behaviors I mentioned is often and consistently rewarded. Rewards, include more power to do more bad things, a fancier title, a promotion, getting their own Sim as CO and other such advancements not earned through merit. Rules are put in place to control and constrict the members instead of providing what a Sim group is supposed to provide, a fun place to escape from life's problems for awhile.
Getting back to etiquette again, this is how the most basic tenet of Simming, anonymity, is systematically violated. These leaders, these megalomaniacs (and one megalomaniac generally knows the other major megalomaniacs, they even collaborate when the mood strikes them) teach their minions to use the same bad behaviors they have honed so well. Hatred is the easiest emotion to play on, as well as suspicion because as the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Hatred is the staff that thee megalomaniacs wield, and so many are willing to follow blindly until burnt out or they themselves become eventual targets. Unlike the Klingon Empire, honor has little to do with this behavior.
These individuals set themselves up as demi-gods, pretending to have the power of life and death. In truth they control something that many hold even more dear, and for that reason are willing to suffer the injustices-----acceptance. If the member does not submit, they will not be accepted by the group. And since so many of these megalomaniacs collaborate, when one decided a member is to be ostracized, the others often follow suit in "sister" groups.
If members attempt to create another screenname, the megalomaniacs use their resources to hunt down the mun behind the character. An invasion of privacy to be sure.
Granted some people are troublemakers and have a record of that. But megalomaniacs as adept at twisting scenarios to meet their needs. And too often if the facts don't meet their needs, they simply make them up.
In the instances i have described above, familiarity truly does breed contempt. They set themselves as gods, but roll around in the dirt and fleas like dogs. Shameful.
The sole motivation of these "leaders" appeared to be staying in power and being able to manipulate and control the followership/membership. make no mistake about it, while bylaws may say that they are "for the people", their focus in everyday management of these groups speaks for itself.
There is little effort and concern about:
1.) Providing a safe environment for members to Sim in.
2.) Providing a fun experience for members to Sim in.
3.) Helping Simmers improve in the technical aspects of Simming, writing, plotlines etc.
4.) Rewarding fairly those that contribute the most and most meaningfully.
5.) Solving problems.
6.) Helping others.
7.) Getting along with others.
The converse of all of these things is, however, very true, in that the opposite of the behaviors I mentioned is often and consistently rewarded. Rewards, include more power to do more bad things, a fancier title, a promotion, getting their own Sim as CO and other such advancements not earned through merit. Rules are put in place to control and constrict the members instead of providing what a Sim group is supposed to provide, a fun place to escape from life's problems for awhile.
Getting back to etiquette again, this is how the most basic tenet of Simming, anonymity, is systematically violated. These leaders, these megalomaniacs (and one megalomaniac generally knows the other major megalomaniacs, they even collaborate when the mood strikes them) teach their minions to use the same bad behaviors they have honed so well. Hatred is the easiest emotion to play on, as well as suspicion because as the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Hatred is the staff that thee megalomaniacs wield, and so many are willing to follow blindly until burnt out or they themselves become eventual targets. Unlike the Klingon Empire, honor has little to do with this behavior.
These individuals set themselves up as demi-gods, pretending to have the power of life and death. In truth they control something that many hold even more dear, and for that reason are willing to suffer the injustices-----acceptance. If the member does not submit, they will not be accepted by the group. And since so many of these megalomaniacs collaborate, when one decided a member is to be ostracized, the others often follow suit in "sister" groups.
If members attempt to create another screenname, the megalomaniacs use their resources to hunt down the mun behind the character. An invasion of privacy to be sure.
Granted some people are troublemakers and have a record of that. But megalomaniacs as adept at twisting scenarios to meet their needs. And too often if the facts don't meet their needs, they simply make them up.
In the instances i have described above, familiarity truly does breed contempt. They set themselves as gods, but roll around in the dirt and fleas like dogs. Shameful.
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